Anemia, Anemia, or what is also called low hemoglobin level. A shortage of sound red blood cells in the blood is the main cause of it. These balls carry oxygen to the body's tissues.
What does anemia mean?
Decreased hematocrit
Red blood cell count
Decreased hemoglobin concentration
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Now, what is hemoglobin?
What are low hemoglobin causes?
What is the percentage of normal hemoglobin in the blood?
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Other values for the hemoglobin percentage
Highland people
The athletes
Causes of anemia
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Severe anemia symptoms
1- Pale or yellow skin due to anemia
2- Skin and hair dryness and weakness
3- Shortness of breath
4- Vertigo, dizziness, or headache due to anemia
5- Rapid and irregular heart palpitations
6-Extreme exhaustion, and weakness due to anemia
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7- Cracking around the mouth
8- Swelling and burning in the mouth and tongue
9- Restless Legs Syndrome due to anemia
Other reasons for anemia
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Types of anemia
1. Fe deficiency anemia
What causes low iron?
2. Anemia resulting from a deficiency of vitamins
3. Hemolytic anemia
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4. Sickle cell anemia
5. Anemia caused by other illnesses
Here are some of the diseases that can cause anemia:
6. Pernicious anemia
7. Rare types of anemia
What is a normal iron level?
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When is anemia dangerous?
First, the type of anemia and the diseases that cause it
Aplastic anemia
1. Pregnancy.
2. Autoimmune diseases.
3. Cancer treatments.
4. Chemical exposure.
Severe thalassemia
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Fanconi anemia
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Complementing the answer to the question, "When is anemia dangerous"
Second, complications associated with and timing of treatment
Which of these would explain when anemia is dangerous?
To buy any anemia supplement, here
When should you see a doctor?
See a doctor if you feel fatigued for no apparent reason. There are many reasons for fatigue, including anemia. So don't assume that if you're stressed, you must be anemic.
Some people discover their hemoglobin level is low, which is an indication of anemia. That's when they donate blood.
See your doctor if you've been told you can't donate because of low hemoglobin.
Factors that increase the risk of developing anemia
The diet
Bowel disturbances
Chronic cases
Slow and chronic blood loss from an ulcer or other source inside your body
Genetic factors
Other factors
The age
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Prevention of anemia
Eat foods that are rich in:
Today we will discuss the different causes and symptoms of different diseases, including how to avoid them, their causes, and how to recognize them.
The article concludes by offering natural and safe solutions to address the problem.
It's a decrease in one of the measures of red blood cells, which includes the following:
It is the percentage of the volume of RBCs in the total volume of blood.
It is the number of red blood cells present in a certain volume of blood.
It is the amount of primary hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood.
Hemoglobin is a protein rich in iron and red in color. It is present in the red blood cells of human blood.
And it carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. The process involves releasing carbon dioxide into the lungs.
component, which comprises four protein molecules, is referred to as a
globulin. They carry iron particles inside.
Additionally, oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by hemoglobin to the lungs. To get it out of the body.
It also produces most of the blood cells, including red
blood cells, in the bone marrow. It must be known that the average cell life is
between 110 and 120 days.
Hemoglobin is a protein rich in iron and red in color. It is present in the red blood cells of human blood.
And it carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. The process involves releasing carbon dioxide into the lungs.
Each component, which comprises four protein molecules, is referred to as a globulin. They carry iron particles inside.
Additionally, oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by hemoglobin to the lungs. To get it out of the body.
It also produces most of the blood cells, including red blood cells, in the bone marrow. It must be known that the average cell life is between 110 and 120 days.
Diabetes and cancer.
Donate blood regularly.
Impaired thyroid gland functions and secretions.
Not eating foods that contain an adequate amount of iron.
Infection with some diseases such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Not taking vitamins and supplements, especially during pregnancy and lactation.
Age-dependent, then gender-dependent, beginning in adolescence. Normally, the proportion is higher in men than in women.
Adult males: 14 to 18 grams/deciliter.
Adult females: 12 to 16 grams/dL.
Males after middle age: 12.4 to 14.9 grams/dL.
Females after middle age: 11.7–13.8 g/dL.
Pregnant women: 11–12 grams/dL.
Other categories differ in hemoglobin percentage. This can be attributed to various factors such as lifestyle, genetics, or inherited values:
Smokers have higher hematocrit values than non-smokers, but identifying this condition is challenging because it does not show up during medical tests.
Individuals who reside at higher altitudes than sea levels tend to have higher hemoglobin levels.
Their hemoglobin values are 0.5–1.0 g/dL lower than the accepted values.
They have different normal values than the generally accepted normal values.
Aspirin therapy
Esophageal varices
Colon and stomach cancer
Gastric and duodenal ulcers
The presence of fibroids in the uterus
Anemia is more common in women than in men. Due to the amount of blood lost during menstruation and childbirth. Also, during pregnancy, a low red blood cell count may occur.
It can also occur during labor and delivery. It can be treated by taking iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12-rich supplements.
Anemia is a rare case among men due to the absence of natural causes for this condition.
And men's lack of iron means something more serious, such as colon cancer.
To avoid the symptoms of anemia, it is recommended to provide the body with iron daily.
Anemia starts small and unnoticeable, but worsens over time, causing clear symptoms and rapid progression.
However, if the progression of the disease is slow, the symptoms do not appear clearly. The body is accustomed to the new position.
Pale skin, particularly in the inner area of the lower eyelid, is a common symptom of iron deficiency.
Hemoglobin gives the red blood cells their red color. The handles provide a healthy pink color to the skin.
When hemoglobin production decreases, this may give the skin a sallow appearance.
Or the pallor may appear clearly in certain areas of the body only. Such as the gums, the inner area of the lips and eyelids, or even the nails.
Pale skin is one of the symptoms of moderate or severe anemia.
One of the signs of iron deficiency is dry, weak hair and dry skin. The body's inability to produce enough oxygen is primarily due to iron deficiency.
The blood carries to the most important organs inside the body. That's away from the hair and skin. And when the oxygen that reaches the hair and skin decreases, this causes them to dry out and become weak.
In some severe cases, this may cause hair loss. Heavy hair loss during the day may indicate iron deficiency.
The body suffers from a decrease in levels of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin. This means that your tissues and muscles do not get enough oxygen to carry out even light activities.
What makes you feel tired, for example, when you walk. This causes acceleration and shortness of breath. As a result of the body's attempt to get enough oxygen.
Iron deficiency may cause a headache. However, these symptoms are not as common as the previous ones. Also, if it occurs, it is usually associated with dizziness and lightheadedness.
This occurs as a result of not getting enough oxygen to the brain. What causes swelling in the blood vessels in the brain. The pressure exerted on it leads to headaches.
Frequent, frequent attacks of headache and dizziness were observed. It could be a symptom of an iron deficiency.
One of the signs of iron deficiency and anemia is heart palpitations. A shortage of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen, may result in the following:
• An irregular or fast pulse
• In severe cases, cardiac hypertrophy or heart failure can occur
• Making the heart work twice as hard to compensate for a lack of oxygen
Iron deficiency is a prevalent symptom, often characterized by fatigue. Appears in about half of the infected, and fatigue appears as a result of:
• The heart must work extra hard to transport blood carrying oxygen to all parts of the body.
• The tissues and muscles do not get the oxygen and energy they need. which is usually carried by hemoglobin.
Iron deficiency is a less common condition characterized by weak, easily split nails.
In advanced stages of iron deficiency, the nails may take the shape of a spoon. And they are concave in the middle, and their edges are curved upward.
A quick examination of your mouth can indicate whether you have anemia and iron deficiency. You may notice a swollen, sore, or pale tongue. Or being abnormally smooth, which is a symptom of iron deficiency.
Researchers associate iron deficiency with restless legs syndrome. It is a condition that makes a person constantly want to move his feet while he is in a resting position. It may also cause a kind of annoying itchy feeling in the feet.
Restless legs syndrome becomes especially severe at night. This could prevent the patient from getting enough sleep at night.
The exact cause of this syndrome is still unknown. But, a quarter of cases are related to anemia. And the more severe the anemia, the more severe the restless leg syndrome.
Chest pains.
Cold hands and feet.
Myocardial infarction.
Difficulty concentrating.
Changes in cognitive status.
The individual has a strong desire to eat non-food items such as ice, paint, or clay.
Ease of breaking the nails and changing their shape, as they become like a spoon.
Iron deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system, increasing the risk of infections.
Anemia can be classified based on the cause, and the following list includes different types of anemia:
This type is caused by low levels of iron in the body. Bone marrow needs enough iron to produce and process hemoglobin.
• Donate blood.
• Heavy menstruation
• Take some medications.
• Excessive intake of caffeine
• A poor diet with iron sources
• Chemotherapy-induced anemia
• Some gastrointestinal problems
• Anemia during labor and delivery
• Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy
• Low red blood cell count during pregnancy
• Heavy external bleeding or slow internal bleeding
This type may result from a deficiency in some types of vitamins in the body. Such as vitamin B12 and folate.
Hemolytic anemia may arise as a result of some genetic or acquired diseases. Which may cause an imbalance in the body that leads to the production of deformed red blood cells.
And is unable to perform its functions normally. Deformed cells usually die soon after they are produced.
Sickle cell anemia is often caused by a hemoglobin abnormality in the blood. The defect is either in the composition or quality of the hemoglobin produced. Or in the ability of hemoglobin to perform its normal functions.
In some cases, anemia may be the result of some chronic disease. Which may cause an imbalance in the production of hormones needed by the body. That's to produce red blood cells in sufficient quantities.
• Cancer
• Diabetes
•Kidney disease
•Rheumatoid Arthritis
That occurs when the bone marrow fails to produce an adequate number of various blood cells. This includes red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
Here is a list of some rare types of anemia, which are less common than the types mentioned above:
•Sideroblastic Anemia
•Fanconi Anemia
•Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
The normal level of iron in the blood is determined by conducting a serum iron analysis. Normal proportions vary according to gender and age, which leads to the following results:
• The normal level of iron in the blood in men is 65-175 micrograms/dL.
• The normal level of iron in the blood for women: is 50 - 170 micrograms / dL.
• The normal blood iron level for children: is 50-120 micrograms/deciliter.
It occurs when the bone marrow fails to produce an adequate number of various blood cells.
If you are wondering when anemia is dangerous, First, you need to know the type of anemia that occurs. Some blood types pose a greater risk than others.
This type is also called bone marrow failure. This is usually caused by bone marrow damage. Thus, it is unable to produce red blood cells as usual.
The cause of damage to the bone marrow may be one of the following:
Thalassemia is a genetic disease. The body's insufficient production of hemoglobin is an important problem. This adversely affects the production of red blood cells in the body.
This type of disease causes the cells responsible for the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow to be unable to do so normally.
Which reduces the number of produced cells. What is produced from them is usually defective.
This type of disease usually falls within the classification of cancerous diseases. With time, it may turn into a type of blood cancer.
This rare condition is hereditary. The patient suffers from a defect in the bone marrow and its ability to produce healthy blood cells. It can lead to physical deformities or imbalances in different areas of the body, such as:
1. Barrenness
2. Hearing loss
3. Birth with a damaged kidney
4. Abnormalities in the skeleton
It is worth mentioning that anemia can also be dangerous. If it is associated with these conditions and diseases:
1. Hemolytic anemia
2. Sickle cell anemia
3. Anemia of Masoretic origin
4. PNH (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinopathy).
If the patient does not get the right anemia treatment at the right time. Here, anemia may be really serious and life-threatening. Anemia can lead to serious long-term complications, including::
• Excessive tiredness that prevents the patient from carrying out routine everyday activities.
• Problems and complications in the heart. It may cause heart palpitations and heart failure. Over time or with heart enlargement.
• Pregnancy problems. Specifically, during pregnancy, It may cause the premature birth of the baby. Or other dangerous issues.
• Constant depression and a bad mood.
• Increased chances of various infections.
• Problems in growth, especially in children.
• Anemia can lead to death if it is associated with a serious illness or if the type of anemia is one of the most serious.
For example, sickle cell anemia. The anemia that the patient suffers from may ultimately lead to his death.
The diet lacks some vitamins and minerals, including iron, vitamin B12, folate, and copper.
Intestinal disorders are conditions that disrupt the proper functioning of the small intestine, affecting the absorption of nutrients. Like Crohn's disease and celiac disease.
Menstruation causes the loss of red blood cells. Women who have not reached menopause are more likely to develop anemia.
If you are pregnant and are not taking a multivitamin that includes folic acid and iron, you should start. You are at risk of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Pregnancy is characterized by low iron levels.
If you have cancer, kidney failure, or another chronic disease. The risk of developing chronic anemia is increased. You are also exposed to chemotherapy-induced anemia
This will deplete your body's stores of iron. This leads to iron deficiency anemia.
If your family has a history of hereditary anemia, such as sickle cell anemia. You may be at greater risk for this disease.
The risk of anemia can be increased by a history of certain infections, blood diseases, and autoimmune disorders.
Alcohol abuse and exposure to toxic chemicals can also affect it. And the use of some medicines to produce red blood cells. leading to anemia.
People over the age of 65 are at a higher risk of developing anemia.
Many types are preventable. You can avoid iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency anemia.
By eating foods that contain necessary vitamins. Iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin C are essential nutrients.
Also, keep eating iron-rich foods, especially for certain groups. This includes individuals such as children, pregnant women, vegetarians, and menstruating girls.
To be comforted and to prevent anemia. General blood tests should be performed once every few years. According to the family doctor's advice.
Avoid items that may inhibit iron absorption if consumed in significant quantities. Coffee, and tea, for example.
Take iron supplements (only if prescribed by your doctor).
Beef, beans, lentils, and nuts are all high in iron. Breakfast cereals are high in iron, dark green leafy vegetables, and dried fruit.
Folic acid, the synthetic form of this vitamin, is available. Fruits, fruit juices, and dark green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin C. Pistachios, green and red peas.
B-12 vitamin
Meat and dairy products are high in vitamin B-12. and fortified grains, as well as soybean products.
Vitamin C
Citrus fruits and drinks, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, strawberries, and watermelon are excellent sources of vitamin C and help with iron absorption.
Eat eggs, grape molasses, date molasses, molasses, and molasses (molasses). Apple, turnip, celery molasses, honey, and fig. Consume ginger as well. It is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and girls during menstruation.
You can also consult with your doctor to develop a treatment plan.
Treating anemia
Treat anemia associated with chronic diseases
There is no particular treatment for this type of anemia.
Aplastic anemia treatment
It's treated with intravenous blood administration. To raise the number of red blood cells in the body.
Treatment of anemia caused by a bone marrow disease
It's treated with chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.
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Treatment of hemolytic anemia
Treatment for this condition includes taking drugs that suppress the immune system. Which attacks red blood cells.
Treatment for sickle cell anemia
Treatment of this type includes monitoring. And monitoring the levels of oxygen in the body, and taking pain relievers.
Iron deficiency anemia treatment
Some simple home recipes to permanently eliminate this problem:
Yogurt mixed with coriander
Add a teaspoon of dried and ground coriander to each cup of yogurt. Preferably taken on an empty stomach daily. It can be taken once a day.
Yogurt mixed with cumin
For each cup of yogurt, add a teaspoon of dried and ground cumin. Preferably taken on an empty stomach daily. It can be taken once a day.
Fig recipe
This recipe provides quick benefits to the body by soaking dried figs in water from night to morning.
In the morning we eat 3 figs and drink fig infusion. This recipe is effective in eliminating anemia in the morning and evening.
It is necessary to avoid excessive consumption of figs, as three figs at a time are sufficient.
If you want a faster and stronger effect. You can eat fig molasses, date molasses, or treacle.
Beet recipe
Beets are very rich in iron, manganese, calcium, and folate. This natural remedy is very effective in treating anemia and greatly helps in flushing out liver toxins.
To learn how to clean liver toxins, Here.
American and European scientists found that drinking two cups of raw beetroot juice on an empty stomach improves blood iron levels for 20 consecutive days.
With continuity, anemia will be eliminated permanently. Also, three days before menstruation, you should drink beetroot juice.
And during the first three days of menses. This makes your blood never decrease. And the incidence of anemia is almost difficult.
As for lactating women and pregnant women, it is preferable to consult a doctor.
The banana
Whether it is green or mature, it contains a huge amount of iron. Also contains potassium and vitamin C.
Which helps to generate red blood cells. But it must be consumed in moderation. Eat one banana three times a day each time.
Black sesame
Black sesame is very good for anemia. If it is not available, you can eat ordinary sesame, as it is very close to black sesame.
Black sesame contains iron and folic acid. Also, it contains calcium and manganese. Which makes it one of the best options for the eradication of anemia.
Raisin and dates mix
Muslims must ensure that they are not prevented from eating it. But it is possible to eat each one separately, but it will be a difference of hours.
(After research, it was proven that the fermentation limit should not be soaked. Fresh ingredients are safe and intoxicating, but it is important to inquire before eating this recipe.
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